Arequipa to Cusco by Bus: 2024 updated information about bus schedules, bus safety, and the best bus to take!
A bus from Arequipa to Cusco takes around 11 hours. Below we have detailed information about bus safety, the best bus company and what other benefits you should look out for when choosing the best bus to Cusco from Arequipa.
Arequipa to Cusco is a direct journey, however many travelers choose to cut the journey up with a stop. There are some stunning places like the incredible Lagunillas viewing point (free stop on any Peru Hop trip from Arequipa to Cusco) and Lake Titicaca in Puno.
Puno is easily one of Peru’s best destinations. Here you can visit Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, home to the man-made floating islands of Uros. Half day tours are available, and you can even stay the night on the island with a local family and see first-hand the traditional island life and customs passed down through generations.
Cusco is a stunning city, with an infinite amount of things to do and visit. Most who visit Cusco (and Peru) go to Machu Picchu, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Rainbow Mountain has quickly become a MUST visit for anyone in the Inca City. We recommend planning to spend a few days to get to enjoy what Cusco has to offer.