Huacachina to Arequipa by Bus: 2024 updated information about bus schedules, bus safety, and the best bus to take!
The direct journey from Huacachina to Arequipa takes around 12 hours by road and it’s recommended to stop off at places and avoid the direct bus. Read below to know why bus travel is the best way between Huacachiina and Arequipa and which are the best bus companies.
When going from Huacachina to Arequipa, many travelers choose to make a stop in Nazca to catch a flight over the Nazca Lines. These mysterious drawings made up of animals, shapes and more were etched into the desert sand thousands of years ago and are only visible from atop. When traveling with Peru Hop, a free stop is included at the Nazca Lines Viewing Tower where you’ll get to see 3 of these amazing drawings.
Please note that Peru Hop is the ONLY bus company that departs from Huacacachina as it has direct access into Huacachina Oasis. All other bus companies can only go as far as Ica, so you will need to organize transport to and from Ica.
Arequipa is a beautiful city with many things to do. We recommend planning to spend a few days to get to enjoy what the “White City” has to offer. Top picks by travelers are the Colca Canyon and Ruta del Sillar.