Lima to Cusco by Bus: 2024 updated information about bus schedules, bus safety, and the best bus to take!
A bus from Lima to Cusco is a long journey when direct, but better when it’s via Huacachina and Arequipa. It is strongly recommended to stop off at places and avoid the direct bus from Lima to Cusco which can take up to 26 hours.
Lima to Cusco by bus direct is not common anymore as places like Paracas, Huacachina, and Arequipa become increasingly popular with travelers. The direct bus of 26 hours allows you to see nothing along the way and miss out on things such as a Desert Oasis in Huacachina, the Colca Canyon in Arequipa, and Lake Titicaca in Puno for example.
The #1 ranked bus company on Tripadvisor is Peru Hop, something we are incredibly proud of, having taken almost 300,000 travelers safely from Lima to Cusco by bus. Why not take advantage of one of our passes from Lima to Cusco, allowing you to hop on and hop off throughout the country and explore the many wonderful hidden gems that Peru has to offer? A hop on hop off bus service is a service that travels to many different points around the country, allowing people to hop off and enjoy each destination, or just take a quick look around before continuing on their way.
If you plan to take a direct bus, Cruz del Sur is probably the best public bus company, although maybe read their Tripadvisor reviews first as travelers don’t seem to be overhappy with some of their trips.
Don’t believe us that Peru Hop is the best way to get from Lima to Cusco by bus? Google Peru Hop Reviews, and read thousands of reviews, blogs, social media comments, and more from our ex-travelers. We are far from perfect, but we know that Peru Hop is by far the #1 way to get from Lima to Cusco by bus and allows you to discover the real Peru.
Want to know more? Read how Peru Hop works HERE or check out our passes page HERE.